The Musical Ring has been designed for youngsters ranging from 14 to 24 years old.


Musical Ring
The Musical Ring component of the Play Rings series, developed and prototyped through extensive research and development. These rings are carefully designed to cater to users of different ages and stages of physical and mental development. Encouraging playful learning in a safe yet challenging environment, the Play Rings foster the development of physical, social, communicative, and collaborative skills.
“Playful learning” is central to our approach, encompassing both supervised and unsupervised play in dedicated environments. This type of learning is highly effective, fostering low-anxiety environments that encourage active engagement and novel experiences, facilitating peer and adult interactions in an entertaining manner. From a neuroscience perspective, playful learning enhances children’s cognitive skills by leveraging previous experiences and promoting the development of interconnected brain processes. To maximize learning outcomes, playful learning environments must embody characteristics such as joyfulness, meaningfulness, active engagement and social interaction.
The Musical Ring is specifically designed to serve as a playful learning environment for young people aged 14 to 24 years old, a group we affectionately refer to as “The Social Nerds.” This stage marks a transition from childhood to adolescence, where traditional forms of play may no longer hold the same appeal. Instead, activities related to music, social media, and self-expression take precedence. Hence, we’ve aptly named this ribbon the Music Ring.

© 100architects


© 100architects


© 100architects

For today’s young people it is essential for the space to be visually captivating with engaging activities, selfie opportunities, musical elements and digital interactions. The Musical Ring features sophisticated music games, including giant headphones for playing songs and taking selfies, as well as a pipe phone for playing the telephone game. Additionally, it offers high slide, swings for two people, and lounge spaces for group relaxation.
Constructed with stainless steel frames and finished with fluorocarbon-painted steel sheets, the main inner structure ensures durability and safety. Certain features and equipment are crafted with fiberglass, and the Fun Ring reaches a maximum height of 4440 mm. Customization options for colors, play features, and details are available to meet client needs and site conditions, with modifications made upon request.
The Musical Ring not only provides opportunities for leisure and entertainment but also serves as a space for personal expression and social interaction. By incorporating elements of music, social media, and collaborative activities, it offers young people a platform to connect with peers, explore their interests, and express themselves creatively. Whether they’re enjoying the thrill of the slide, sharing moments on social media, or engaging in musical games, the Musical Ring encourages self-discovery and fosters a sense of community among users.

© 100architects


© 100architects


© 100architects


© 100architects


© 100architects

Please note that the intellectual property and patent for the Musical Ring belong to 100architects, and distribution and construction are prohibited without prior consent.

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