© 100architects
River Loop
Rionegro | Antioquia | Colombia
River Loop is a metropolitan intervention in the riverbanks of Rionegro that extends for over 4 kilometers in length. The master plan defines not only the riverfront itself but also the areas adjacent to the river as a public park with urban equipment of different types for all kinds of users.
In order to face the immense challenge of imagining the Rionegro Park of the future, and in what way the project could better serve the citizens of Rionegro, our proposal inevitably finds inspiration in the River itself that gives name to its city, and around which the entire project is developed.
Deliberately, the proposal allows itself to be suggested and seduced by that sinuous and meandering silhouette of the River to generate a new public framework that is less Cartesian and more sinuous, less abrupt and more friendly with the human scale and with the pedestrian, less gray and more welcoming and stimulating, capable of reconnecting the city and its citizens with their quintessential natural public space, the River.
In this way, the main purpose of the proposal is focused on creating a hybrid urban-natural system intertwining three fundamental aspects of the landscape: controlled natural ecosystems, pedestrian accessibility, and a public functional program.
In the first place, the proposal aims to generate controlled hybrid spaces, interspersing nature and architecture, on the one hand, to contribute to generating a healthy natural ecosystem along both riverbanks, and on the other, to do it in such a way that it can be accessible and enjoyable by citizens, creating a true urban-natural environmental corridor along the winding route.
To achieve this first aim, we create a matrix of different typologies of riverbanks which can be allocated according to the needs of the immediate context around, the program planned to be inserted, and the level of desired pedestrian accessibility. That matrix contains 12 different typologies that would create a remarkable everchanging riverbank experience keeping users entertained over the 4 kilometers length of the intervention.
In the second instance, it is developed a network of urban affluents of the River in the form of interconnected winding roads, which allow easy pedestrian access throughout the entire promenade, generating new opportunities for citizens to reconnect with the natural ecology of their emblematic River.
However, these roads are not only limited to ground level, they are often separated from the ground level to cross over other roads, form a pedestrian bridge over water or highways, or connect to a pedestrian route at a higher level.
These new landscaping affluents in turn provide the third fundamental element of the design, an abundant public program of activities throughout the park. The paths overlap and intersect, diverge and converge, twist and turn, rise and fall, generating concavities and convexities that allow hosting squares, viewpoints, amphitheaters, cafes, meeting points, sports areas, children’s play areas, etc.
The result is a public park with a dramatic multifunctional character.
Finally, this urban renewal strategy, supported by these three fundamental pillars, also makes use of our particular theory of hyper-stimulation applied to public spaces through the strategic use of color, to truly turn the project into an urban-natural landmark at the national and international level.
In a country with roots as colorful as Colombia, where color influences people’s emotions and mental state so positively, what better way to extend an invitation to all Rionegreros/as to reconnect with their Rio, than through an immense canvas of color that stimulates and elevates their sense of belonging and pride for their city?
Panels for the competition entry
Panel number 1
Panels for the competition entry
Panel number 2
Panels for the competition entry
Panel number 3
Panels for the competition entry
Panel number 4
Panels for the competition entry
Panel number 5
DESIGN: 100 Architects (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
DESIGN TEAM: Marcial Jesús, Javier González, Mónica Páez, Lara Broglio, Ponyo Zhao, Keith Gong, Cosima Jiang, Hayley Huang, Michelle Aldora, Jango Zhang & Yuntong Liu.
CLIENT: Sociedad Colobiana de Arquitectos / Gobernación de Antioquia
SIZE: 100 Ha. (4 km. river length)
STATUS: Concept Design
LOCATION: Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia
River Loop project is a combination of different typologies of riverfront allocated according to the needs of the context around, the program inserted, and the desired pedestrian accesibility. 12 different possibilities create a remarkable everchanging experience over the 4 kilometers length of the intervention.
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What is a metropolitan intervention?
This is the largest scale type of interventions that take place in the public realm of a city, related to the altering of an important portion of a city. A type of intervention of such magnitude and notoriety that impacts not only at neighborhood scale, but rather the way the city is perceived and experienced, becoming a metropolitan landmark, a metropolitan super-attractor of social interactions, and a trendy international destination for local citizens & tourists.
This typology combines urban planning and landscape design, intervening the city at waterfronts, bridges, parks, or whole districts, by improving the quality of its public realm, creating spaces of opportunity for collective outdoor leisure, mixed-use entertainment spaces, play & joy, etc. Interventions of this proportions catalyze major social interactions across the city, boosting commercial activity and real estate development.
This typology is normally used by Municipalities & Local Governments to revitalize public spaces and establish a unique brand and identity for their cities, making them more functional, aesthetically pleasing, and engaging for the community, with innovative urban solutions that enhance the quality of life and promote economic development & tourism.