100A is awarded World Youth Designer 2024

100A is awarded World Youth Designer 2024

Reposted from GDW original publication
2024-01-30 | Guangzhou | China
Check the complete presentation in here

As the only award of World Youth Designer Forum (WYDF) – World Youth Designer, will be organized in Asia, Europe and the Americas to call for submissions of young designers. Simultaneously a host country will be set up to hold the Global Final. The honor of “World Youth Designer” will only be conferred to one outstanding young designer, which is highly recognized in China and around the world.

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The WYDF2023 Youth Designer Forum Annual Gala is the concluding event of the WYDF Youth Designer Forum 2023, which includes the “Awards Ceremony” and the “Global Finals”. Four outstanding young designers from Europe, the Americas, Asia and Greater China were selected after a year-long global solicitation and selection process

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On the stage of the 2023 WYDF Youth Forum and Global Finals, they shared the same thing of “design”, standing in their own environment, background, personal preferences, etc., to make a loud and wonderful voice for the beautiful occurrence of design; This is a collision of global minds, a special personal experience, and this will be a starting point and a source of reflection for the future.

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In this issue, we will share the wonderful time of Mr. Marcial Jesus from the Americas region on the stage of the final. He is the founder/CEO of 100architects, he is young and enthusiastic, and he brings a passionate speech to the scene with a great sense of contrast. He is like a “bullet” ready to fire, eager to bring hot temperatures to everyone. In this wonderful battle, Marcial Jesus won the title of “Young Designer of the Year 2023” at the WYDF Youth Designer Forum.

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“100 Architects was founded ten years ago and our headquarters is in Shanghai, but our operations have a global reach. Our company’s mission is essentially developing public spaces that improve the cities and the experience of citizens in the public realm, by creating projects that are accessible to everyone. Not regular public spaces, but what we call Hyper Stimulating public spaces.”

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“We do what we call the Hyper stimulating architecture, why is this important? The new generations are experiences seekers, they are exposed to a different way of sensory stimulation, because of that reason, the concept playground has changed, we keep saying that we don’t do playgrounds for kids, we do playgrounds for the city, we do playgrounds for adults.”

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“What are the key factors to develop our architecture? The first one is “contrast with this context”, we always design architecture that is extremely contrasting with its context, Another very important thing is “aesthetic independency”, to take recognizable icons or images preexisting in the imaginery of people. Another one is “instant functions” and also obviously to “foster interactions”. What kind of interactions? Digital interactions, physical interactions, interactions among users, social interactions in general.
The last factor is “Fantasy and surprise”: We need to create an inmersive experience because in order to attract, we want the user to think he is inside a video game.”

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“Why do we need more playful cities? A better quality of life, more social interactions that at the end of the day, lead to better wellbing. But also there’s this thing called “playful learning” that takes place in the playful learning environment. Where kids and citicens learn collaborative and social skills in a very significant way. I believe that we would all benefit if our cities provided more of this kind of spaces.”

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“Therefore, we need to attract people back to the plazas, we need to re-invent the plaza, now we need to compete with an iPad., not only compete, they need to work with technology. How do we do that? We use a lot of creativity, every project needs to become a virtual landmark, every project needs to have a spot for a selfie. This is why we say that the playground concept has changed, now the limits between the play area and the city are blurred, in fact we call it “playscape”, so then the city becomes the playground, and the playground becomes the city, and we all want to play in The city. The city of the future, we believe will have way more playgrounds than the city nowadays.”
“So the point here is that we all want to play in the city, we just need to figure out how people want to play and how different generations want to approach the public space.”

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The 2023 WYDF Youth Designer Forum · Global Finals were held, and it wouldn’t be complete without the strong support of various design guests from around the world! They listened to the voices of the youth, offering affirmation and expectations. They provided precise perspectives, engaged in in-depth design discussions with candidates, delving into the future of design. It wasn’t just about each individual work but also about envisioning the future of design.

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We invited Mr. Siza Cham, Executive Chairman of WYDF Youth Designers Forum Greater China, and eight authoritative instructors and experts in the field of international interior architecture and design from China, the United States, Italy, Singapore and other countries to form the WYDF2023 international jury. They are: Conway Ma (USA), Carlos Marreiros(Macau, China), Andrea Giordano (Italy), Carlo Beltramelli (Italy), Ricky Wong (Hong Kong, China), Wesley Liu(Hong Kong, China), Shane Ang Chee Sheng (Singapore) and Eric W.Tsay (USA).

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Mr. Ricky Wong:

You have designed spaces for the community, including children and adults. However, I am concerned about safety, especially in densely populated areas like China, where children can easily get lost or be at risk of electrical accidents or falls. I did not hear your statement on this issue and would like to discuss it with you.

Marcial Jesus:
“There’s two sides of the question. Project safety, we have a huge procedure going on and we work with the highest standards to make the project safe. The Chinese standards and regulations are very strict and we comply with them in every single project. On the other side, I think the other part of the question was about security, robberies or someone doing something bad to the users. China is a pretty safe place, so in China, honestly speaking not a big concern.”

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Mr. Wesley Liu:

I just want to make a statement that I have to be here, I just feel like I have 20 minutes console, there’s so much energy. I believe China needs you, we need you to contribute to our cities. I ‘m always fascinated to see how the foreigners observe Chinese culture and then re interpret it in their own way. And I really love your final statement seeing how you liberates your design to all the world from China. Thank you very much.

Mr. Conway Ma:

I feel your passion through your presentation and through the way you do it, I love it, you can tell by the way I talk now. I talk like you I ‘m influenced, it brings me back to my childhood. But again, throughout all your presentation, I see most of them are very consistent, I hope you can assume (to) mention experimental approach do something different. Looking forward to more of your designs, thank you.

Mr. Shane Ang Chee Sheng:

I really congratulate you about your success in this industry. But you do everything all on like plaza, I would love to see how you translate like interior underground or you know just some my curiosity, thank you.

Marcial Jesus:
“We do have many interiors and other kind of projects. I believe that now the stage of 100 architects is to take all the concepts that we’ve been working in the past five years and take it to a Metropolitan level.
So for example, now we are developing a park that is sixty thousand square meters in Egypt, that it will be a blast.
So, our professional practice, our projects and our skills are not astatic thing, it is constantly changing, it is increasing, it is in motion.”

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Mr. Andrea Giordano:

I appreciate especially this work after you say the “competition with digital”. I want to know if you are planning to put the installation, this kind of project onto an historical city, I mean the Italian city that where for example a square is vinculated.

Marcial Jesus:
“I would love to do so. That would be new challenge for us. However I think that our architecture also has many ways to represent itself, to manifest in different ways.”
“So, I think that people look at our designs and they think it would be impossible beside the coliseum (for example).
well, maybe beside the coliseum will take another shape, will take another form, we will use different materials. We will have to adapt.
I said before I believe, this project is in motion. The picture of 100 architects in 3 years I have no idea what is gonna be.
I am ready for the challenge.”
“Thank you”

© 100architects


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